龙拥兵 | 教授 | 博士、硕士生导师 | ||
性别: | 男 | 所属单位: | 应用物理系 | |
电话: | 邮箱: | |||
办公地点: | 2号楼309 | |||
个人简介: 龙拥兵,男,华南农业大学电子工程学院/人工智能学院教授,博士研究生导师,南粤优秀教师,广东省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第七批省级培养对象,广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养对象,华南农业大学引进高层次人才。主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学杰出青年基金(经费100万元)以及广东省重点领域研发计划项目(经费550万元)等项目10余项,主持各类科研经费超过1000万元,在国内外学术期刊上发表论文50余篇。 招生专业: 博士研究生: 农业电气化与自动化(082804) 学术型硕士研究生: (1)光学工程(080300) (2)计算机科学与技术(081200) 专业学位型硕士研究生: (1)农业工程与信息技术(095136) (2)电子信息(085400) 研究方向: (1)智慧农业和农业人工智能;(2)光电信息与智能处理、机器视觉、图像处理、高光谱成像与检测技术;(3)农业生物传感器与智能检测技术;(4)光电材料与器件 | ||||
工作经历: 2008.11-2016.04,五邑大学,应用物理与材料学院 2016.05-至今,华南农业大学,电子工程学院 | ||||
学习经历: 1997.09-2001.06 武汉大学,物理学人才培养基地班,学士 2001.09-2006.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,光学专业,博士 2003.09-2006.06 中国科学院物理研究所,光物理国家重点实验室,联合培养 2013.09-2014.06 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,访问学者 | ||||
研究方向: (1)智慧农业和农业人工智能;(2)光电信息与智能处理、机器视觉、图像处理、高光谱成像与检测技术;(3)农业生物传感器与智能检测技术;(4)光电材料与器件 。 | ||||
项目/课题: 以下为部分主持项目 1、广东省重点领域研发计划项目,项目经费:550万元,执行时间:2019.04-2023.03,在研 2. 华南农业大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目,项目经费:250万元,执行时间:2016.06-2021.06,在研; 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目经费:62万,2018.01-2021.12,金号:11774099 ; 4. 广东省自然科学杰出青年基金,项目经费:100万元,2015.01-2018.12, 基金号:2014A030306005,研; 5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目经费:20万元,执行时间:2011.01-2013.12,基金号:11004154,已结题; 6. 广东省高等学校人才引进专项(高层次人才项目),项目经费:20万元,执行时间:2014.01-2016.12,项目编号:粤财教[2013]246,在研; 7. 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目,项目经费:30万元,执行时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目编号:粤教师函【2014】108,在研 8. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,项目经费:5万元,执行时间:2013.10-2015.09,基金号:S2013010012854,已结题; 9. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,项目经费:3万元,执行时间:2010.10-2012.09,基金号:10152902001000024,已结题; 10. 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目(育苗工程), 项目经费:3万元,执行时间:2011.01- 2013.12,基金号:LYM10130,已结题。 | ||||
代表性论著: 近年来,在Applied Physics Letters、Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells、Physical Review Letters 和 Optics Letters等国际权威期刊上发表学术论文近50篇。代表性论文包括: [1].P. Shen, M. N. Yao, J. S. Liu, Y. B. Long*, W. B. Guo and L. Shen*, Colored semitransparent polymer solar cells with a power conversion efficiency of 9.36% achieved by controlling the optical Tamm state, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7: 4102. [2].J. Y. Zhong, Z. Xiao, W. Y. Liang, Y. F. Wu, Q. J. Ye, H. T. Xu, H. D. Deng, L. Shen, X. L. Feng, Y. B. Long*, Highly Efficient and High Peak Transmittance Colorful Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells with Hybrid-Electrode-Mirror Microcavity Structure, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019,11, 47992-48001. [3].M. N. Yao, T. F Li, Y. B. Long, P. Shen, G. X. Wang, C. L Li, J. S. Liu, W. B. Guo, Y. F. Wang, L. Shen, X. W. Zhan, Color and transparency-switchable semitransparent polymer solar cells towards smart windows, Science Bulletin 65 (2020) 217–224 . [4].P. Shen, Y. B. Long*, G. X. Wang, Y. F. Wang, W. B. Guo, L. Shen*, Semi-transparent polymer solar cells with optical adjusting layers, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6(35): 9494-9500. [5].Y. B. Long*, J. Y. Zhong, W. Y. Liang, L. Shen, H. T. Xu, and H. D. Deng, Semitransparent organic solar cells based on the gasochromism of WO3, AIP Advances 2018, 8: 085314. [6].J. Y. Zhong, W. Y. Liang, Y. B. Long*, Simultaneously improving efficiency and transparency of semitransparent organic solar cells by constructing semitransparent microcavity, Optik 2018, 171: 706–714. [7].H. D. Deng, W. Y. Liang, Y. B. Long*, Broadband Light Harvesting Enhancement of MoS2/Graphene Bilayer Solar Cell via Metal Nanosquare Arrays-Dielectric-Metal Structure, Plasmonics 2019,14,703–709. [8].Y. B. Long*,et. al., Magnetic coupling metasurface for achieving broad-band and broad-angular absorption in the MoS2 monolayer,Optical Express Material 7,100-110,2017 (二区) [9].Y. B. Long*,et. al.,Achieving ultranarrow graphene perfect absorbers by exciting guided-mode resonance of one-dimensional photonic crystals,Scientific Reports 6, 32312,2016 (二区) [10].Y. B. Long*,et. al.,Dually guided-mode-resonant graphene perfect absorbers with narrow bandwidth for sensors, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 , 32LT01, 2016 (二区) [11].Y. B. Long*, “Effects of metal electrode reflection and layer thicknesses on the performance of inverted organic solar cells”,Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 94(5), 744-749, 2010 (一区,SCI收录) [12].Y. B. Long*, “Red and near-infrared absorption enhancement for low bandgap polymer solar cells by combining the optical microcavity and optical spacers”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 95(12), 3400–3407, 2011(SCI收录,一区) [13].W. J. Yu , L. Shen , F. X. Meng , Y. B. Long*, S. P. Ruan , W. Y. Chen, “Effects of the optical microcavity on the performance of ITO-free polymer solar cells with WO3/Ag/WO3 transparent electrode”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 100, 226-230, 2012 (SCI收录,一区) [14].W. J. Yu, L. Shen P. Shen F. X. Meng, Y. B. Long*, Y. Wang, T.Y. Lv, S. P. Ruan, G. Chen, Simultaneous improvement in efficiency and transmittance of low bandgap semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional photonic crystals, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 117 198–202 (2013) (SCI收录,一区) [15].B. Li, J. Zhang, M. Zhang, , Y. B. Long*, , X. He Effects of SrCl2 as a flux on the structural and luminescent properties of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphors for AC-LEDs. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 651,497-502 (2015) (SCI收录,二区) [16].Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of inverted organic solar cells by microcavity effect”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(19), 193301-1-193301-3, 2009 (SCI收录,二区) [17].Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of low-bandgap polymer solar cells by the two-mode moderate microcavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98(3), 033301-1-033301-3, 2011 (SCI收录,二区) [18].Y. B. Long (龙拥兵), “Optimizing one-dimensional photonic-crystals based semitransparent organic solar cells by tailoring reflection phase shift within photonic bandgap”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99(9), 093310-1-093310-3,2011 (SCI收录,二区) [19].Y. B. Long*, L. Shen, S. P. Ruan, W. J. Yu, Y. Wang, Q. G. Zeng and J. Y. Luo “Top-to-bottom optimization of the optical performance of the tandem organic solar cells with thin metal film as interlayer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100(10), 103304-1-103304-4, 2012(SCI收录,二区) [20].W. J. Yu, L. Shen, Y. B. Long*, W. B. Guo, F. X. Meng, S. P. Ruan, X. Jia, H. S. Ma, and W. Y. Chen, “Semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional (WO3/LiF)N photonic crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101(15), 153307-1-153307-4, 2012 (SCI收录,二区) [21].Y. Chen; Y. B. Long*,; Y.T. Liu,; L. Shen; Y. D. Zhang; Q. G. Deng; Z.S.Zheng,; Yu, W. J. Yu; S. P. Ruan, “Optimizing the light absorption of graphene-based organic solar cells by tailoring the weak microcavity with dielectric/graphene/dielectric multilayer” Appl. Phys. Lett.. 103,063301(2013) (SCI收录,二区) [22].Y. B. Long*, R. M. Su, Q. W. Wang, L. Shen, B.W. Li and W. H. Zheng, “Deducing critical coupling condition to achieve perfect absorption for thin-film absorbers and identifying key characteristics of absorbing materials needed for perfect absorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091109, 2014(SCI收录,二区) [23].Y. B. Long*, Y. X. Li and R. M. Su, “Simultaneously improving optical absorption of both transverse-electric-polarized and transverse-magnetic-polarized light for organic solar cells with Ag grating as transparent electrode”,AIP Advances 4(8), 087143 (2014)(SCI收录) [24].Y. B. Long*, B. W. Li, Y. X. Li, W. H. Zheng, Q. W. Wang and R. S. Su, Investigation into the optical characteristics of the top-illuminated organic solar cells with graphene electrode, Journal of Modern Optics 61 943–953 (2014) (SCI收录) [25].Y. B. Long*, “Effects of interface reflection on the resonant condition for a microcavity with multilayers between cavity mirrors”, Journal of Modern Optics 57( 20), 2092 – 2097(2010). (SCI收录) | ||||
获奖: 2015年,南粤优秀教师 2014年,广东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者 2012年,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”第七批省级培养对象 2014年,广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养对象 2013年,第三届南粤科技创新优秀学术论文,二等奖 2011年,第二届南粤科技创新优秀学术论文,三等奖 |