

姓   名:徐初东





邮   箱:cd79cd@126.com


矩形 2



学士期间(1998 -2002 年)就读中山大学物理系,专业:材料物理。

硕士期间(2002 -2005 年)师从中山大学张进修教授,主要研究纳米巨磁阻材料的制备及性能表征。

博士期间(2007 -2012)师从中山大学赖天树教授,主要研究飞秒激光泵浦-探测技术与超快磁光记录,开展稀土-过渡金属亚铁磁薄膜(GdFeCoTbFeCo样品)磁光性质,以及激光感应反常克尔回线和磁化动力学的实验与理论研究工作。

博士后期间(2014 -2016)师从英国约克大学Roy Chantrell教授,从事欧洲超高密度超快磁存储项目的计算模拟研究。

国内访学期间(2021 -2022)师从南京大学卢明辉教授,从事拓扑声学超构材料的研究。


迄今为止,已主持一项国家自然科学基金,四项广东省自然科学基金和一项广州市科技项目,第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文21篇,包括Top物理期刊Science Bulletin, Frontiers of Physics, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters, New Journal of Physics, Computer Physics CommunicationsOptics Express



2021/09 - 2022/08,南京大学,现代科学与工程学院,国内访问学者

2014/09 - 2016/08,英国约克大学,物理系,留基委公派博士后






2016/01 - 至今,华南农业大学,电子工程学院,副教授

2014/09 - 2016/8,英国约克大学,物理系,留基委公派博士后
























(1) Chudong Xu, Taotao Zheng, Hao Ge, Wei Wang, Ze-Guo Chen*,Ming-Hui Lu*and Yan-Feng Chen, Topological Boundary States Transport in Synthetic Four Dimensional Acoustic System, Science Bulletin, 67 (2022) 19501953.(中科院一区,IF:20.577

(2) Chudong Xu(徐初东), Runji Cai, Yuhao Xie, Huiyi Cai, Min Wang, Yuefang Gao,* and Xiaoming Ma, Fine-Grained Butterfly Recognition via Peer Learning Network with Distribution-Aware Penalty, Animals 2022, 12, 2884-1-22. (中科院二区)

(3) Chudong Xu(徐初东),Shengdong Lu, Yongfeng Kong, Wanjie Xiong, The enhanced sampling in parallel finite-time dynamics method with replica exchange, Computer Physics Communications, 2021,263:107911-107916. (中科院二区)                                                                                                                          (4) Chudong Xu(徐初东),Wanjie Xiong Role of the heat effect and field effect in singlefemto-second laser pulse induced helicity-dependent all-optical magnetic switching, Optical Materials Express, 2018,8(10):3133-3145. (中科院三区)                                                                                                                      

(5)Chudong Xu(徐初东),T. OstlerR. Chantrell(*)Thermally Induced Magnetization Switching in Gd/Fe MultilayersPhysical Review B201693054302-054309. (中科院二区)

(6) Chudong Xu(*)(徐初东),Jiawen WengHai LiWanjie XiongThe study of ultrafast magnetization dynamics induced by femtosecond laser pulses in GdFeCo amorphous filmOptik201412517):4595-4598.

(7) Xu, Chudong(*)(徐初东),Weng, JiawenLi, HaiXiong, WanjieThe study of ultrafast magnetization reversal across magnetization compensation temperature in GdFeCo film induced by femtosecond laser pulsesJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials201435225-29. (中科院三区)   

(8) Xu, Chudong(*)(徐初东),Weng, JiawenLi, HaiXiong, WanjieThe influence of external magnetic field and femtosecond laser pulses on the anomalous Kerr loops in GdFeCo amorphous filmOptik20141256):1735-1738.

(9) Xu, Chudong(徐初东),Xiong, Wanjie(*)The Study of the Delay Kerr Loops Induced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in GdFeCo FilmJournal of the Physical Society of Japan2013828):084715-084717. (中科院三区)   

(10) Xu, Chudong(徐初东),Chen, ZhifengYang, XuLi, ShufaChen, DaxinZhou, Shiming(*)Lai, Tianshu(*)Structure and property changes and femtosecond laser-induced magnetization dynamics of two-year-old high coercive TbFeCo filmsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials201232413):2034-2038. (中科院三区)   

(11) Xu, Chudong(徐初东),Chen, ZhifengChen, DaxinZhou, Shiming(*)Lai, Tianshu(*)Origin of anomalous hysteresis loops induced by femtosecond laser pulses in GdFeCo amorphous filmsApplied Physics Letters2010969):092514-092516.(中科院二区)



(1) Taotao Zheng, Wenbin Lv, Yuxiang Zhou, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Ming-Hui Lu, Characterizing non-Hermitian topological monomodes

via fractional mode charges in acoustic systems, Frontiers of Physics, 2025, 20(1): 014202-1--014202-9.(中科院二区)

(2) Kaiqi Hu, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), LPAM: A lightweight medical segmentation network based on Mamba improved by prompt attention

IET Image Processing, 2024;7:111.

(3) Maoyang Lan, Changjiang Liu, Huiwen Zheng, Yuwei Wang, Wenxi Cai, Yingtong Peng, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东) and Suiyan Tan*, RICE-YOLO: In-Field Rice Spike Detection Based on Improved YOLOv5 and Drone Images, Agronomy, 2024, 14:1-23.(中科院二区)

(4) Donglin Liu, Jiawen Weng, Xinyu Song, Wenxi Cai, Suiyan Tan *, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2024, 594:171824-1--7.(中科院三区)

(5) Caijian Jiang, Donglin Liu, Xinyu Song, Yifeng Wu, Hai Liand Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, 57:195001-1--7.(中科院三区)

(6) Taotao Zheng, Yuxiang Zhou, Wenbin Lv, Kunbiao Lu, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东) and Ming-Hui Lu. Fractional disclination charge as a probe in acoustical topological crystalline insulators, Journal of Applied Physics. 2023 134:244401-1--10.(中科院三区)

(7) Donglin Liu, Caijian Jiang, Hai Li, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东),Dependence of the Gd concentration range for thermally induced magnetization switching on the intrinsic damping. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122:202406-1--7.(中科院二区)

(8) Donglin Liu, Caijian Jiang, Nanyu Wang, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东),Minimum separation between two pump pulses for ultrafast double magnetization switching in GdFeCo. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123:162401-1--6.(中科院二区)

(9) Taotao Zheng, Yuxiang Zhou, Hao Ge, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), and Ming-Hui Lu. Higher-order topological sound transport in synthetic spaces. Applied Physics Express. 2023,16: 052001-1--5.

(10) Taotao Zheng, Kaiqi Hu, Yuxiang Zhou, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), and Ming-Hui Lu. Fractional mode charge in Cn-symmetric higher-order topological crystalline insulators, Journal of Applied Physics.2023 134:034502-1--8. (中科院三区)

(11) Taotao Zheng, Hao Ge, Ziwei Long, Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Ming-Hui Lu, Fractional mode charge of higher-order topological acoustic transport, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122:1831011-1831017.(编辑精选)(中科院二区)

(12) Donglin Liu, Hai Li, Jianhua Jiang, Suiyan Tan and Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Role of low Gd concentrations in the maximum pulse duration for thermally-induced switching, Optics Express, 2023, 31(6): 9404-9415.(中科院二区)

(13) Donglin Liu, Shihan Gao, Taotao Zheng and Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Transient ferromagnetic-like state in thermally induced magnetization switching: Analysis of the Langevin field and the exchange field, Journal of Applied Physics. 132, 132, 173902-1--9 (2022). (中科院三区)

(14) Shihan Gao, Donglin Liu, Taotao Zheng, Thomas Ostler, Roy Chantrell and Chudong Xu(*) (徐初东), Energy exchange dependent transient ferromagnetic like state of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, New Journal of Physics, 2022,24:103013-103021. (中科院二区)

(15) Shihan Gao, Runji Cai, Wanjie Xiong and Chudong Xu(*)(徐初东)Influence of a damping parameter on helicity-independent all-optical switching, Optics Express, 2021, 29(20):  32535-32546. (中科院二区)

(16) Jianzeng Lu, Shihan Gao, Wanjie Xiong, Chudong Xu(*)(徐初东),Optimization of GPU parallel scheme for simulating ultrafast magnetization dynamics model, Computational Materials Science, 2020, 184: 109924~109932.(中科院三区)

(17) Wanjie Xiong and Chudong Xu(*)(徐初东),Phase transition behavior in three-dimensional Gaussian distribution random-field Ising model with finite-time dynamics method, Journal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2019, 7(2): 023202~023216.(中科院三区)

(18) Ruqi ChenMeimei LaoJun XuChudong Xu(*)(徐初东),Fe-Doped LaNiO3 Thin Films as Electrodes for BiFeO3 Ferroelectric Thin FilmsScience of Advanced Materials2015711):2441-2444.(中科院二区)

(19) Chen, RuqiLao, MeimeiXu, JunXu, Chudong(*)(徐初东),Uniform bipolar resistive switching behaviors in BiFeO3 thin films on Fe-doped LaNiO3 electrodesApplied Physics Express201479):095801-095804.

(20) Wanjie XiongChudong Xu(*)(徐初东),Zizheng GuoXiaoxian LiuCrossover effects in dilute magnetic materials by finite-time dynamics methodPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications20144056):352-359.

(21) Xiong, WanjieXu, Chudong(*)(徐初东),Universality in the critical dynamics of the three-dimensional large-q Potts model with bond randomnessPhase Transitions2014871):85-95.




