讲座通知:Towards Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems


Topic: Towards Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems
Description: Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are engineered systems that integrate cyber components (sensing, computation, control and networking) into physical objects and infrastructure to support real-time, guaranteed performance in safety-critical applications. However, a CPS-enabled vision of the future is only possible if we can first assure security and safety. My research activities have been focused on the design and verification of CPS, and cybersecurity. In this talk, first I will talk about 2 representative projects. Next I will talk about my future research vision in the areas of CPS and cybersecurity. I will conclude my talk with identifying potential collaboration opportunities.
         Houbing SONG教授来自美国西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University),Institute of Technology理工学院,电子与计算机工程系,主要研究方向:信息化实体系统(信息安全、物联网);网络通信优化(大数据分析、软件定义网络);云计算与边际运算。已主持承担美国国家科学基金会、美国西弗吉尼亚州高等教育政策委员会、中国国家自然科学基金委员会和陕西省科技厅等多项科研项目。近年来多次担任美国国家科学基金会(U.S. National Science Foundation,NSF)智慧城市、智能交通系统等项目评审专家,和研讨会特邀嘉宾,包括NSF智慧城市青年科学家研讨会(NSF Early-Career Investigators' Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Cities)和NSF 2021年应用与服务研讨会(NSF Workshop on Applications and Services in the Year 2021)。现任KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 领域主编,IEEE Access, Telecommunication Systems(Springer), PLOS ONE等多家SCI期刊的副主编,另外还担任10余期特刊的客座编辑,包括Special Section on “Recent Advances in Network Big Data Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; Special Issue on "Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems", IEEE Internet of Things Journal; Special Section on Smart Cities, IEEE Access等。