Communication Engineering

Release Time:2020-06-08Number of visits159

     Training objectives: to cultivate senior engineering professionals with an innovative mind and engineering practice ability who have a comprehensive development of moral, intellectual and physical skills, and have a solid grasp of basic theoretical knowledge and skills in communication engineering and related professions.

     Main courses: Circuits, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Signals and Systems, Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Waves, Communication Electronics, Digital Communication Principles, Digital Signal Processing, Computer Network Technology, Microcontroller Principles and Interface Technology, Mobile Communication, Digital Image Processing, Fiber-optic Communication, Communication Networks, Embedded Systems, Wireless Network Technology, Internet of Things Technology.

     Employment Outlooks: Graduates can engage in the research, design, development, testing, operation management and engineering applications of modern communication systems, communication networks and signal and information processing in electric power, telecommunications, and other systems.